Exploring color mixing and how you can create a 5 step gradient from one color to another, and how those 5 colors can be utilized to create an illusion of transparency.


Use a light hand when coloring as you can always add layers.

The booklet included uses some shorthand for your 2 colors (A,B)

In the example above:

A = orange


Ab=mixture of orange and blue, where orange is dominant

aB=mixture of orange and blue, where blue is dominant

ab=mixture of orange and blue, where neither color is dominant




Use the three primary threads provided to explore visual mixing!

Visual Mixing is what happens when our eyes/brains perceive colors as mixing when they are simply near each other. That it, when blue and yellow are next to each other we perceive green. When magenta and yellow are next to each other, we perceive orange. This illusion serves as a good and efficient example of Gestalt theory... a mere two parts can interact so as to create something greater than themselves.


Your string will be less likely to tangle if you pull it through your needle quite a bit so as to shorten it. You can let the length out as needed.

Start by putting your needle through the back, leaving some tail, and then tie it on the back with your first stitch. Tie it off as you end and start a color.

If you notice that your string is tangling, stop pulling! it is much easier to let out a knot before you pull it tight! Typically you can use your needle to loosen/let out a knot. 

To get the widest range of color from the 3 primaries, leave some singular, and explore all combinations!

 HOLIDAY 20/20 MakeKit (#20)

Your MakeKit includes 2 prepunched cards (4x4”), both green and turquoise string, one needle, and a handful of sequins. You can make trees and wreaths, or something else as desired!


Your string will be less likely to tangle if you pull it through your needle quite a bit so as to shorten it. You can let the length out as needed.

Start by putting your needle through the back, leaving some tail, and then tie it on the back with your first stitch. Tie it off as you end and start a color.

If you notice that your string is tangling, stop pulling! it is much easier to let out a knot before you pull it tight! Typically you can use your needle to loosen/let out a knot. 

To attach sequins, you can either simply sew them into a stitch, or make a French knot to hold them down. To make a French knot, pull your thread through the sequins you wish to place, then wrap your thread around your needle 2-3 times before inserting the needle back into the same hole. Pull gently to draw the length of the string through the knot.